
What Part Of The Brain Controls Logic

In this article we are going to reply the question ''What part of the brain controls belittling thinking?'' We will discover what part of the brain is responsible for belittling and logical thinking and how it does it.

What part of the brain controls analytical thinking?

The left hemisphere controls belittling thinking, in add-on, it works together with other regions of the brain such every bit the cerebellum for this procedure.

It is well known that the brain consists of two halves or hemispheres continued to each other past an all-encompassing bundle of nervus fibers called the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere manages analytical thinking while the right side is more inclined to intuition. The predominance of one over the other influences our personality and our manner of acting.

Cerebral laterality refers to the different functioning of each of the hemispheres of the man brain. Simply this laterality is not total and both parties share many functions and interact and communicate with each other to perform each specific chore well.

Analytical thinking is a type of thinking that involves reasoning and reflection on a certain situation or trouble. We use it to decide what to do with a specific task or but to reflect on something general.

It operates through the division of the object of study or problem into smaller parts that tin can exist identified, categorized and analyzed, in social club to obtain an answer or an acceptable solution to what we want to solve.

When can we use analytical thinking? Practically e'er; not just when it comes to solving mathematical or scientific problems, merely as well in everyday life or even in other areas of knowledge. We tin utilize information technology to make decisions, resolve conflicts, reflect on an consequence, understand the nature of a problem, etc.

Thought equally a human being power

Before proceeding further, remember that thought is all that activity of the man heed that is obtained thanks to the intellect. That is, it is the production of the process of thinking, or the process of the mind itself. Through thought, we obtain abstractions, reflections …

Cognitive theory, typical of psychology, allows dividing the different types of thinking into: critical, deductive, inductive, creative or lateral, intuitive thinking, etc. One of these types of thinking is the ane that concerns us: analytical thinking.

Encephalon hemispheres: logical and creative

Exact for the left hemisphere and emotional, visual or spatial for the correct hemisphere. According to the left or correct brain say-so theory of the brain, each side of the encephalon controls various types of thinking. Furthermore, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other.

For example, a person who is "left brain" is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective, while a person who is "right-encephalon" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.

The left hemisphere is the analytical office. It is the side of the encephalon that deals with words and numbers, looking for guild and explanation for everything. When people accept a highly dominant left encephalon, they take trouble with uncertainty and ambivalence, they similar logic and what is 100% correct.

The left hemisphere of the encephalon is often described as being better at languages, logic, disquisitional thinking, numbers, and reasoning. The left brain is the rational, intellectual 1; information technology is the hemisphere that specializes in processing verbal and numerical information in a deductive or logical way.

This means that the left hemisphere dissects information through analysis and disaggregates the parts of the whole to process the information sequentially in a linear and orderly way.

How is the left hemisphere of the brain structured?

Like its right counterpart, the left hemisphere is anatomically structured in lobes, taking into account half of each of them. These lobes are the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and insula.

As we have already mentioned, the corpus callosum, which is a structure with nerve fibers, connects both hemispheres to allow them to communicate. As with the other hemisphere, the left is protected by the following layers:

  • Dura mater: it is the outermost membrane and closest to the skull.
  • Arachnoid: information technology is betwixt the dura mater and the pia mater.
  • Pia mater: it is the innermost membrane. It is contiguous with brain thing.

Master features

Anatomically both hemispheres are very similar. Although, as nosotros have already mentioned, they are non symmetrical, they are very like. They present both fissures and convolutions and both have the aforementioned number of lobes, in add-on to existence similar in size.

However, they accept different attributes. The left hemisphere is known to be the brain construction in charge of the linguistic aspects, in improver to being backside the belittling processing, typical of mathematics. Let'due south accept a closer expect at these features:

1. Symbolic

The left hemisphere is responsible for using symbols to represent both concepts and objects.

Thus, it is this hemisphere that allows us to empathize that the symbol '+' ways adding something or more to it, or that the symbol ☮️ means peace.

ii. Verbal

Every bit we have already mentioned, the left hemisphere is the one that is involved in the use of verbalized language.

This means that it is the one behind such everyday and fundamental aspects of human advice as speech, verbal memory, writing and reading.

3. Belittling

When we say that this hemisphere is analytical, we mean that its information processing is done by following steps that follow ane another more or less linearly, analyzing each of the details of a given situation or problem.

For this reason, the left hemisphere acquires such great importance in mathematics, in which, in gild to reach the solution, information technology is necessary to identify the steps to follow in order to take the correct answer.

In addition, it is detailed and relatively objective when it comes to analyzing reality, allowing specific observations and formulating a specific thought, suitable for the problem situation.

4. Temporary

Follow the passage of time, that is, social club things in temporal sequences. It goes from starting time to end.

5. Rational

The left cerebral hemisphere tends to enhance rational reasoning. That is, it allows abstracting an explanation of reality from reason.

vi. Logical and linear

When it is said that the left hemisphere is logical, information technology ways that it establishes causal relationships between different events. Thus, a phenomenon must necessarily be created by a prior or exist responsible for a subsequent consequence.

This characteristic, together with the analytical aspect of this hemisphere, acquires great importance in solving mathematical problems.

Regarding the linear aspect, it comes to bespeak that the ideas are always linked to each other.


These are the main functions of the left brain hemisphere.

Verbal language and mathematics

Related to both its verbal and symbolic abilities, the left hemisphere is capable of identifying groups of letters and interpreting them every bit words that, in turn, form groups of them and class meaningful sentences.

Thanks to this, information technology also plays an important part in speech, writing, mathematical trouble solving, numbering and logic.

Other aspects in which this hemisphere is significantly involved are exact retentivity, grammar, system of syntax, phonetic bigotry, planning, decision-making, long-term memory …

Expression and understanding

John Hughlins Jackson, a neurologist, said at the time that the left hemisphere was the middle of the power of expression. This ways that this hemisphere is in charge of transforming a set of data into something with meaning.

Thus, this hemisphere stores concepts that it will later emit in the course of words, both oral and written, assuasive ideas from inside the listen to exist transmitted from one person to some other through the employ of verbal communication.

If in that location is an embolism that affects this hemisphere, functional losses such as loss of speech can occur, in add-on to affecting motor skills on the right side of the torso, since the left hemisphere controls that half of the body.

Relationship between both halves of the brain

Although we accept commented that each hemisphere has its peculiarities and has its ain functions, this does not mean that they are radically different from each other or that they practise not carry out activities together.

What must be understood is that there are activities that are carried out mainly by one of the two hemispheres and others in which it is the task of its counterpart.

Every bit a curiosity, the research points out that interhemispheric differences are something distinctive of the human species.

In most people, both hemispheres complement each other. Normally, exact aspects such as speech are under the control of the left hemisphere; however, there are cases, especially in left-handed people, in which speech is an activity exerted by areas located in both hemispheres.

In addition, it has been seen that, in situations in which a encephalon injury occurs, there may be changes in the location of certain functions.

This 'transfer' of functions is especially significant in childhood, at which time, cheers to brain plasticity, the encephalon tries to 'save' its own capacity from the injured area by making it another expanse, and it may be from the opposite hemisphere, who becomes position.

FAQS: What part of the encephalon controls analytical thinking?

What part of the brain analyzes?

Occipital lobe: The lateral boundaries of the parietal and temporal lobes are delimited. It is interested in detecting and manipulating graphics. It processes and interprets what we run into. To view and depict assumptions about visual images, the Occipital lobe analyzes factors such as form, colour, and movement.

Which lobes of brain are responsible for mathematical and analytical skills in an individual?

The left hemisphere is responsible for verbal language and linguistic ability, belittling skills, solving mathematical bug, equally well equally memory and logical and rational thinking. Specifically the temporal lobe, prefrontal region and parietal lobe.

Where does critical thinking happen in the brain?

The Prefrontal Cortex gives u.s.a. the ability for our thoughts, emotional reactions, and deportment to be considered and willingly controlled.

What part of the brain is responsible for rational thinking?

The left hemisphere of the brain is often described as beingness better at: languages, logic, critical thinking, numbers, and reasoning. The left brain is the rational, intellectual 1, it is the hemisphere that specializes in processing verbal and numerical data in a deductive or logical fashion.

What keeps your brain in place?

Practise activities that stimulate brain activeness and keep u.s. mentally active, such as reading, writing, memorizing phone numbers, playing board games, doing transmission activities, completing crosswords, learning and practicing a new linguistic communication, etc.

In this article we answered the question ''What part of the brain controls analytical thinking?'' We discovered what part of the brain is responsible for analytical and logical thinking and how information technology does information technology.

If yous accept any questions or comments please let usa know!


Anderson, B.; Rutledge, V. (1996). Age and hemisphere effects on dendritic structure. Brain. 119: 1983–1990.

Hutsler, J.; Galuske, R.A.W. (2003). Hemispheric asymmetries in cognitive cortical networks.Trends in Neurosciences. 26 (viii): 429–435.

What Part Of The Brain Controls Logic,


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